
In this post, we’ll explore some data on the most subscribed Youtube channels as of Novemeber 2022. It’s set up in a simple step-by-step assignment structure.

Start by importing the csv module. Load and read the Most Subscribed Youtube Channels data set from the topSubscribed.csv file into a DictReader inside a “with” statement. Print the field names of the data set. Iterate over the reader to put the data into a list name “channels”.

import csv
filepath = "topSubscribed.csv"
channels = [] 

with open(filepath) as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
    print(reader.fieldnames) # print field names
    for row in reader:
## ['Rank', 'Youtube Channel', 'Subscribers', 'Video Views', 'Video Count', 'Category', 'Started']  

How many channels are there in total?

channels_count = 0

for row in channels:
    channels_count +=1 # increase count by 1 for each row

## 1000  

How many channels are in the each category?

#Create a new list containing values from the "Category" column in channels.
channel_categories = [row['Category'] for row in channels]

#Create a new dictionary with values of that column as keys and the counts as values.
count = {}
for category in channel_categories:
    count[category] = count.get(category, 0) + 1

#Get a list of the dictionary keys and values (use the items() method) and sort them in reverse order, from greatest (most channels) to least.
#Get and print the top 3.
count_sorted = sorted(count.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)

## [('Entertainment', 238), ('Music', 217), ('People & Blogs', 132), ('Gaming', 94), ('Comedy', 68), ('Film & Animation', 50), ('Education', 45), ('Howto & Style', 43), ('', 30), ('News & Politics', 27), ('Science & Technology', 18), ('Shows', 14), ('Sports', 10), ('Pets & Animals', 6), ('Trailers', 2), ('Nonprofits & Activism', 2), ('Movies', 2), ('Autos & Vehicles', 1), ('Travel & Events', 1)]  

What Howto & Style Channel has the most views? Print the name.

def is_valid_view_count(count_as_string):
    Converts input to an integer. If it cannot be converted to int, returns False.

        view_count = int(count_as_string) # try casting as int
    except ValueError:
        return False # return false if ValueError is generated
        return view_count # return view_count as int

is_howto_style = [row for row in channels if row['Category'] == 'Howto & Style']

howto_style_max = max(is_howto_style, key = lambda x: (is_valid_view_count(x['Video Views'])))

name = howto_style_max['Youtube Channel']

## 5-Minute Crafts  

Let’s consider and “early adopter” any channel started within 5 years of Youtube’s launch, started before 2011. Write code to filter out any channels created after 2010 and find the channel with the least number of videos. Print the name of the channel and the number of videos.

def is_valid_number(count_as_string):
    Converts input to an integer. If it cannot be converted to int, returns False.


        valid_number = int(count_as_string) # try casting as int

    except ValueError:

        return False # return false if ValueError is generated


        return valid_number # return video_count as int

early_adopters = [row for row in channels if is_valid_number(row['Started']) < 2011]

min_ea_vid_count = min(early_adopters, key = lambda x: is_valid_number(x['Video Count']))

print('The early adopter channel with the least number of videos is', min_ea_vid_count['Youtube Channel'], 'It has', min_ea_vid_count['Video Count'], 'videos.')
## The early adopter channel with the least number of videos is T-Series It has 18,515 videos.  

What are the top 3 Categories, and how many channels are there for each? Get the top 3 and store in “top3categories”. Print the result.

#Create a new list containing values from the "Category" column in channels.
channel_categories = [row['Category'] for row in channels]

#Create a new dictionary with values of that column as keys and the counts as values.
count = {}
for category in channel_categories:
    count[category] = count.get(category, 0) + 1

#Get a list of the dictionary keys and values (use the items() method) and sort them in reverse order, from greatest (most channels) to least.
#Get and print the top 3.
count_sorted = sorted(count.items(), key = lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)

top3categories = count_sorted[:3]

## [('Entertainment', 238), ('Music', 217), ('People & Blogs', 132)]  
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Melissa Harper



Melissa Harper

This site is a small portfolio featuring some examples of my data science work.

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